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m o v e m e n t & t h e a t r e p e r f o r m e r d i r e c t o r / c h o r e o g r a p h e r i m m e r s i v e c r e a t o r

Original Work
pansy craze | immersive theatre in a nightclub
original concept / co-creator / director-choreographer
queer love. revolution. celebration. a dance party at the end of the world.
disappear into an immersive, experiential nightclub narrative set in 1930s berlin.
Alliance of Resident Theaters of New York's 2019 Creative Opportunity Fund Recipient
viral threat | interdisciplinary dance
writer/sound designer
a work in progress of text, movement, and sound
adolescence and adulthood in an age of sanitizer, screen time, and school shootings
*SEEKING COMPOSER - email for interest*
photo by avi pryntz-nadworny
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